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New GSTR-9 Late fees for FY 2022-23 | N.N7/2023

GST - Tax - TDS - MCA

Hey all,

Today, I will give good news for the GSTR-9 filers.

The government has announced a big relief for the filing of the GSTR-9 for FY 2022-23. if any taxpayer is late for the filing of GSTR-9 then he would pay taxes in the new scheme and this scheme is a very good scheme for all the taxpayers.

Because in this scheme a taxpayer will pay taxes in a very small amount under this scheme and we can call this scheme is GSTR-9 amnesty scheme.

By NN7/2023 the government has declared that, if any taxpayer is late for the filing of GSTR-9 then you have to follow this rate for the payment of tax.

Here I am maintaining the new rate of GSTR-9

Late fee for FY 2022-23 onwards [Sec-47, NN7/2023]

S.noTurnoverLate FeesMaximum Limit
1Up-to 05 Crore50/Day0.04% of the Turnover
205 crore to 20 crore100/Day0.04% of the Turnover
3Above 20 crore200/Day0.5% of the Turnover

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